10 Steps to Avoid Toxic Endocrine Disruptors and Promote Health

Living a healthy life is a constantly evolving challenge in the western world.
Washing your fruit because of pesticides? Check.
Trying to avoid the dirty dozen, check.
Trying to fuel up on vitamins and minerals? Check check.
We know that the fast-food lifestyle has been killing so many (faster than we’d like to think), and many Americans are attempting to exercising more, eat well, increase their nutrients, and lessen how many chemicals they are exposed to.
But from the drinking water flowing through our city pipes to the products lining store shelves, our communities are impacted every day by toxins we can’t control.
While these toxins have lived in the shadows, scientists and health professionals are starting to shine a light on their effects, namely as endocrine disruptors.
If you’re curious about how these chemicals are affecting you, here’s a breakdown of what endocrine disruptors are, which major toxins to avoid with their health effects, and how to help your family stay well.
What are hormone or endocrine disruptors?
Have you dealt with early puberty or uncontrollable acne, felt the stress of infertility, or wondered why you just don’t feel well? Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) may be the culprit.

EDCs are “substances not naturally found in the body that interfere with the production, release, transport, metabolism, binding, action or elimination of the body’s natural hormones.”
In simple terms, hormones have a job to do, a message to carry in the body; but EDCs come in and derail essential functions that our bodies need for health and wellness.
Negative health effects, today and tomorrow
From sleeping on a regular mattresses to preparing food in a non-stick pan, our bodies are assaulted by toxins at all hours of the day. These substances — which can be ingested or absorbed through the skin — affect the way our bodies process information and function for human health.
Women’s health is constantly impacted by these chemicals. From acne and irregular periods, infertility issues and PCOS, to thyroid issues and breast cancer, the number of women impacted by these problems continues to grow. If you’ve been affected by any of these illnesses, you know that healthy hormone function is essential to how our bodies feel and operate.
Synthetic fragrances, preservatives, and chemicals in plastic food or product containers are leaving their mark, on us and on future generations. Even in utero, developing children are absorbing chemicals from what the mother is exposed to — chemicals that create long-term effects. In every stage of development and aging, it is vital to avoid as many toxins as possible.
What’s being done?
Unfortunately, the USA continues to allow over 1300 more chemicals to be produced in our consumer products than 40 other countries, including those in the European Union to smaller countries like Cambodia and Vietnam.

While the US seems to be lagging behind other modern countries, we can celebrate that a lot of work is being done in city water systems to get rid of PFAS (a family of over 5,000 man-made chemicals that linger in the environment and have been infiltrating water systems) and states like California are starting to say no to toxins. Public health officials in CA recently saw a law passed that bans 24 chemicals from personal care products, including the following —
1. Dibutyl phthalate;
2. Diethylhexyl phthalate;
3. Formaldehyde;
4. Paraformaldehyde;
5. Methylene glycol;
6. Quaternium-15;
7. Mercury;
8. Isobutylparaben;
9. Isopropylparaben;
10. o-Phenylenediamine and its salts;
11. m-Phenylenediamine and its salts; and
12. 13 different kinds of PFAS and their salts.
If you want to see a breakdown of these and other toxic chemicals, check out the hazard list and descriptions from our friends at MADE SAFE®.
MADE SAFE® is a program of Nontoxic Certified, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. They provide a comprehensive certification for nontoxic products across store aisles, from baby to personal care to household and beyond.
We are proud that every Freegirl Skincare product is MADE SAFE® certified, giving you peace of mind that over 6,500 toxins will never go on your face.
How Can I Start Living Toxin-Free?
From buying all organic to installing a whole home water filtration system, you may think you can’t justify the cost for the health benefit. But small changes can and will add up to improved health in the long run! Regardless of what you are doing today, you can make changes that will impact your future.
Here are some easy first steps to detox your home and your life from these disruptive chemicals:
1. Eat organic, fresh foods as much as possible, washing produce with a fruit/veggie spray.
2. Drink filtered water. Invest in a whole-home water filtration system if possible.
3. Switch out toxic cleaners and use natural and essential-oil based products in glass bottles (vinegar, borax, and rubbing alcohol are all great natural cleaning agents).
4. Avoid anything marked with fragrance Ingredients.
5. Use natural pest control methods (sometimes just some dish soap and water will do the trick!).
6. Say no to plastics and use glass containers when possible. If you do have plasticware, do not microwave your food in it.
7. Don’t buy chemically-treated furniture, clothing, etc. listed as water-proof, non-stick, or wrinkle-resistant as they are covered with chemical compounds. Be sure to let your new furniture “air out” in the garage before bringing them into your home.
8. Bring in plants and a HEPA filter to detox the air. Open your windows as much as possible!
9. Invest in skincare and body products that promote healing with natural ingredients. Our skincare line is both toxin-free and stored in Ultra-Violet glass bottles, which keep our products preserved longer and help eliminate plastics from your home.
10. Regularly clean and vacuum as dust bunnies attract and collect chemicals.
Continue learning about other toxic compounds from our friends at MADE SAFE® — with some careful research and understanding what products you need to swap out first, you can truly begin to pair down your body’s toxic load and start living well with healthy personal care products.
You and your family are worth the investment it takes because long-term exposure to endocrine disruptors can produce lasting adverse health effects and costly medical bills.
Investing in your health today is investing in your future!
- Tags: Holistic Living How to